Cooper’s Closet Adult & Children’s Consignment Sale & Marketplace
Referral Program:
Want to earn more than 70% as a consignor? Now returning consignors can earn up to 85% by participating in our referral program. Not only are you earning more, but you are also helping the growth of the sale, which in turn means potentially higher sales for you. What do you have to lose? Nothing… you have everything to gain!
To participate, simply tell your friends to consign with Cooper’s Closet:
refer 2-3 consignors=earn 75% of sales refer 4-5 consignors=earn 80% of sales refer 6+ consignors=earn 85% of sales
*You must have consigned with us in the past. *Consignors using your name as a referral must not have consigned with us in the past. *While completing their registration online, consignors that you have referred must select “Other” under “How did you hear about us?” and enter your name in the “Other:” box.
Our biggest source of growth is word of mouth, so we want to reward you by helping to spread the word! |